Instalaciones de la Residencia universitaria en Barcelona


The Elisabets female residence is located in Barcelona, and directed by the Dominicas de la Anunciata, who faithful to its founders charisma, San Francisco Coll, we work to transmit a youth and complete education based on human values, solidarity, moral ethics and spirituality.

Elisabets Residence offers a warm and balanced environment which promotes study and the students academic growth.

We work to reach a familiar environment that accompanies all the students in this special stage of their lifes, where they can feel confident and valued.

Residencia universitaria en Barcelona
Residencia universitaria en Barcelona

We promote the community sense of coexisting, highlighting essencial values such as tolerance, respect, communication and the empathy and concern for the people.

It’s the perfect place to know new people and making new friends.

We offer integrational activities from the first day, so all the students can get to know each other. These activities are organised and prepared jointly with the students.

  • Meetings: integration and mutual knowledge.
  • Meetings to schedule activities and evaluate the course.
  • Celebrations at the beginning and at the end of the course.
    (Christmas and the founder’s party, San Francisco Colls party on May 19th).
  • Conferences.
Residencia universitaria en Barcelona